If you have a ton of uploaded files you need to have a visitor download, you will want to compress said information to decrease size and combine many files into one single zip. We will do this using the rubyzip gem. Keep in mind that if the files are audio or video, compressing them may not have any effect on the size.
We will first add the gem to our project.
# Gemfile
gem "rubyzip"
= link_to 'Download Zip', route_path(format: :zip)
Next, you will need to create an endpoint that will generate the zip file format, whether it is a single document or many. You can nest subdirectories by specifying the path you want the file to be written to.
def zip_download
post_files = Post::Uploads.where(id: params[:ids])
respond_to do |format|
format.zip do
compressed_filestream = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |output|
post_files.each do |post|
output.put_next_entry "post_files/#{post.id}/#{post.name}.#{post.file.file.extension}"
output.print File.open("public/#{post.file}", "r").read
send_data compressed_filestream.read, filename: "post_files.zip"
The above method will generate a compressed zip file on the fly. There is another way to do this which creates a temp file and this way could be use as a background job, in which case would be the ideal one to use if needed for that case. Keep in mind that the file will persist on the disk until deleted.
def zip_files
post_files = Post::Uploads.where(id: params[:ids])
Zip::File.open('your_local_path/your_desired_name.zip', Zip::File::CREATE) do |z|
post_files.each do |f|
z.add("#{f.name}", "public/#{f.file}")
You can then choose the send the data for direct download, or omit this if it's a background job.
send_file 'your_local_path/your_desired_name.zip', type: 'application/zip',
disposition: 'attachment', filename: "post_files.zip"
It is possible to have a user upload a JSON file and insert that as a row into your database.
Since we only want .json files in this case, we will only grab json files with glob.
# controller.rb
def create
if params[:zip_file].present?
Zip::File.open(params[:zip_file].tempfile) do |zip_file|
zip_file.glob('*.json').each { |payload| Model.from_json(payload) }
redirect_to root_path
You can also use extract instead of get_input_stream, but we just want to read it from memory instead of extracting this file somewhere. We can also control which columns are accepted to prevent users from changing information we don't want them to. So we have created a PERMITTED_COLUMNS constant, which specifies the allowed columns a user can change while uploading a file. "JSON.load" will convert out file into a usable json object in which we can select only our permitted columns.
# Model.rb
PERMITTED_COLUMNS = ['title', 'user_id', 'description']
class << self
def from_json(payload)
Model.create!(JSON.load(payload.get_input_stream.read).select{|k, v| PERMITTED_COLUMNS.include?(k)})
rescue => e
warn e.message
If you wanted to do the opposite and convert your model rows into files with json, you could do so with the following code. When we convert the contents to json, we can specify the columns to do so, just like we did above with an :only statement.
def index
@model = Model.all
respond_to do |format|
format.zip do
compressed_filestream = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |payload|
@model.each do |item|
payload.put_next_entry "#{item.name}_#{item.id}.json"
payload.print item.to_json(only: [:title, :user_id, :description])
send_data compressed_filestream.read, filename: "model.zip"
This is another good way that could be more efficient depending on your needs to compress many files that would cause a timeout error if you were to do it using the methods above. Basically we loop through all the download links and then write those to a file. We then pass in that file with all the links delimited by a new line, which tar then goes and finds and puts all together. You can also just pass a whole directory in and tar will compress it recursively.
def download_files
rails_tmp = File.join(Rails.root, "tmp")
file_mass_tar_list = File.join(rails_tmp, "file_mass_tar_list.txt")
file_mass_tar_path = File.join(rails_tmp, "file_mass.tar.gz")
location = File.join(Rails.root, "public")
download_links = Download.all
File.open(file_mass_tar_list, "w+") do |f|
download_links.each do |link|
f.puts "downloads/#{link.name}_#{link.id}.#{link.file.file.extension}"
`cd #{location}/uploads && tar -czf #{file_mass_tar_path} -T #{file_mass_tar_list}`
tar_ball = File.open(file_mass_tar_path)
send_data tar_ball.read, filename: "file_mass.tar.gz"