CSS Tricks

Just a list of things I've done with CSS that I'd like to keep note of for future styling. Most of these will be in SASS format.

Vertical Centering

Been running into this a lot, helped me center images in middle of the screen even when resizing it. Percentages may need to be adjusted by case scenario along with media queries.

transform: translateY(-50%)
position: absolute
top: 50%

/* OR */

display: flex
flex-direction: column
align-self: center

Dynamically Calculating Height

Instead of using --webkit-fill-available, I've found this to be more dynamic and work on more browsers.

/* offset the height */
height: calc(100% - 167px)

/* normal 100% */
width: calc(100%)

Overlaying an Image

I've needed to overlay many images on top of another upon hover and out, this helped me do it pretty well. Found this here.

  width: 130px
  height: 195px
  position: relative
  display: inline-block
  margin: 50px

.card .img-top
  display: none
  position: absolute
  top: 0
  left: 0
  z-index: 99

.card:hover .img-top
  display: inline

HTML in SLIM for the view.

  = image_tag "images/back.jpg", alt: "Card Back"
  = image_tag "images/front.jpg", class: "img-top", alt: "Card Front"

Hexagon Button

  position: relative
  display: block
  width: 146px
  height: 54px
  line-height: 62px
  text-align: center
  font-size: 22px
  text-decoration: none
  text-transform: uppercase
  margin: 40px auto
  font-family: $yourfont

.hex-button:before, .hex-button:after 
  width: 166px
  left: -10px
  height: 28px
  bottom: 29px

  color: $yourcolor

.your-btn-color:before, .your-btn-color:after 
  border: 3px solid $yourcolor

  position: absolute
  content: ''
  border-bottom: none
  -webkit-transform: perspective(7px) rotateX(5deg)
  -moz-transform: perspective(7px) rotateX(5deg)
  transform: perspective(7px) rotateX(5deg)  

  position: absolute
  content: ''
  border-top: none
  -webkit-transform: perspective(7px) rotateX(-5deg)
  -moz-transform: perspective(7px) rotateX(-5deg)
  transform: perspective(7px) rotateX(-5deg)
  top: 30px

  color: $yourcolor
  background: $yourcolor

.hex-button:hover:before, .hex-button:hover:after
  border-right: 24px solid $yourcolor
  border-left: 24px solid $yourcolor

CSS Table Border Arrow

  content: 'ยป'
  opacity: 0  
  color: orange
  transition: 0.5s

    opacity: 1
    margin-right: 8px

Bootstrap Accordian Plus and Minus

.panel-heading h4 a:after
  content: '-'
  float: right
  font-size: 28px
  margin-top: -2px
  margin-right: 20px

.panel-heading.collapsed h4 a:after
  content: '+'
  float: right
  font-size: 28px
  margin-top: -2px
  margin-right: 20px

Table Striping

  background-color: #000000

  background-color: #010101
  height: 100%

  margin: 0
  position: relative
  min-height: 100%
  background-color: #332D2E

  background-color: #1a1a1a
  width: 100%
  display: flex
  position: absolute
  bottom: 0
  z-index: 1

Black Overlay on Image

Place the image on the show page with an inline background-url attribute on the parent div if the background is dynamic or in the sass file if it is not.

  position: relative
  height: 700px
  background-size: cover
    width: 100%
    height: 100%
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)
    text-align: center
    align-items: center
    display: flex


If you want to hide or show a specific scrollbar color, here are some of the classes you'll want to change. You'll want to nest the css within a class and include the & as to not overwrite all of the scrollbars on your site, unless that is the intention.


